Support for Airport


We're glad to see local MPs supporting SEM's push for an airport in Melbourne's south east. An airport will provide local jobs, reduce congestion and save you hours travelling across Melbourne just to catch a flight.

According to an article in the Herald Sun, marginal sear MPs Jason Wood and Chris Crewther, along with candidate for Chisholm, Gladys Liu, believe the project fits with Canberra’s new population policy and plans to ease congestion.

A $7 billion proposal to build a privately owned international airport between Koo Wee Rup and Lang Lang was put forward two years ago but needs federal government approval to go ahead.

SEM's advocacy for the Airport was also mentioned in the article.

To read the full article, head to Herald Sun - here.

We encourage you to contact your local MP and let them know we can't wait for this airport – we need funding for a master plan now! Contact details for your local state MP can be found here and your federal member here.


Roads - funding commitment


City Partnership Meeting