What you can do this election


As advocates for the 1.2 million people living in the south east of Melbourne, SEM has contacted the Federal candidates in our region to urge them to be fierce advocates for the south east during the election campaign. 

Now we need your help to ensure they understand the importance of the projects this region needs. With another 300,000 people moving to Melbourne's south east in the next ten years - we will need proper planning to be done now, not later. We need investment into projects that bring jobs (in fact, the projects SEM have identified would bring 100,000 jobs to the south east), improved infrastructure and better public transport options. Read our federal platform here for more information.

What can you do to help?

Contact your local candidate.

The more people contacting their local candidate to tell them that the South East Airport is important, the road upgrades are important, and more investment is needed into the Monash Jobs cluster (and more!), the harder it will be for the local candidates to ignore us. Contact them today! Their details can be found here.

Share SEM's social media posts with your friends and family

We need people to share our messages to make sure we are heard! The more shares we have on our social media, the bigger the chance is that candidates will see it and understand that these issues are important to the people living in the south east. Find our Facebook here and Twitter here.

This election, your voice matters!


Recycled water for farmers


SEM launches election platform