Groups seek freight hubs


The leaders of Melbourne's peak regional advocacy groups, SEM, NORTHLink and LeadWest joined forces to underscore the need for freight rail hubs across Melbourne.

The three group's leaders met Jacinta Allan, Minister for Public Transport and Major Projects, to discuss the importance of Government support for regional freight hubs that can take thousands of trucks off Victoria's roads.

The three freight hubs - one each in the South East, north and west of Melbourne - are planned and funded by the private sector, but a key part of the projects success are the rail connections to the proposed rail hub sites. The extension of the  rail network is dependent on Government funding.

The South East Freight Hub and the proposed Port Rail Shuttle Network is one of SEM's key advocacy projects as it will make it possible to transport freight from the region to the Port of Melbourne via rail rather than roads, massively reducing congestion on our roads. But this is not just a significant opportunity for South East Melbourne, it is a vital project for Victoria.

The integrated freight rail network will help our port become more efficient, reduce costs for importers and exporters, reduce emissions, take trucks off local roads and freeways and create thousands of jobs around the inland ports. These economic, social and environmental benefits are significant for Melbourne's south east, west and north.

It was the first occasion our three groups have come together on a project of this size to advocate for a project that will benefit all of Victoria. SEM, together with NORTHLink and LeadWest, look forward to work with the Government to ensure this project is supported and commenced as soon as possible.


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