Training and education


There is a critical mismatch in the major industries, their skills requirements and training facilities in Melbourne’s South East. A key determinant of students’ pursuit of vocational and tertiary education is the availability and proximity of relevant courses. Recent research showed that the majority tertiary students from the south east, travel outside of their own region to study. In Greater Dandenong for example, fewer than a third of students attend campuses in the outer south east.

According to the most recent census, South East Melbourne has just 14 per cent of workers with university qualification – lower than the state average. This is has resulted in many businesses facing difficulties in in recruiting workers with specific skill sets. SEM is supportive of a stronger university presence, variety of course offerings and improved vocational pathways in the region that related to the needs of the local industry.

Education, training and skills priorities include:

  • Vocational pathways development

  • Developing closer links and alignment between education and industry within the region

  • Developing skills capacity and positioning the region as a ‘high skills destination’

  • Skilling and re-skilling local people to align with regional industry needs


Investment and productivity


A connected community