Why we need more investment


There are areas in South East Melbourne which are among the most socially disadvantaged areas in Australia.

The SEIFA index, which is used to look at disadvantage in Australia, looks at things such as:

  • Percentage of low-income households

  • Unemployment rate

  • Percentage of low-skilled occupations and people without qualifications

  • Percentage of households without a car

  • Percentage of people living overcrowded dwellings

  • Percentage of people under 70 with a disability

  • Percentage of children with jobless parents

  • Percentage of people with poor English proficiency

For SEM it's important that all our residents have opportunities to live their best lives. That's why SEM is advocating for more investment into infrastructure, jobs and a stronger university presence, variety of course offerings and improved vocational pathways in the region.


Why we need better transport


Roads - funding commitment