Why we need top education


More than 670,000 workers live in South East Melbourne, that's 20 per cent of the Greater Melbourne total. While Victoria's unemployment rate sits at an overall 4.5 per cent, parts of South East Melbourne are experiencing much higher levels of unemployment.

Dandenong and Doveton have very high rates, and so does Pakenham, Noble Park, Springvale, Frankston and Rosebud.

One of SEM's key priorities is to ensure people living in the region have access to jobs closer to home, and education that can set them up for a successful career. That's why SEM is advocating for projects such as the South East Airport and the South East Freight Hub - these will provide local jobs to people living in the South East. We also work to ensure that there's investment into expanding our region's skills base.

There is a critical mismatch between major industries’ skills requirements and training facilities in Melbourne’s south east.

According one of the most recent census, just 14 per cent of workers in the south ease have a university qualification – lower than the state average. This is demonstrated by the difficulty many businesses face in recruiting workers with specific skill sets, especially trade and certificate level qualified staff.

SEM supports a stronger university presence, variety of course offerings and improved vocational pathways in the region.


Federal Budget announcements


Why we need more jobs